Jayati Te 'Dhikaṁ Janmanā Vrajaḥ

Gopi Gitam (The Gopīs’ Songs of Separation)
Spoken by Satyavrata Muni in a conversation with Nārada Muni
Author: Vyasadeva
Book Name: Bhagavata Purana
(Section: Canto 10 Chapter 31 Verses 1 to 19)

gopya ūcuḥ

jayati te 'dhikaṁ janmanā vrajaḥ
śrayata indirā śaśvad atra hi
dayita dṛśyatāṁ dikṣu tāvakās
tvayi dhṛtāsavas tvāṁ vicinvate

śarad-udāśaye sādhu-jāta-sat-
sarasijodara-śrī-muṣā dṛśā
surata-nātha te 'śulka-dāsikā
vara-da nighnato neha kiṁ vadhaḥ

viṣa-jalāpyayād vyāla-rākṣasād
varṣa-mārutād vaidyutānalāt
vṛṣa-mayātmajād viśvato bhayād
ṛṣabha te vayaṁ rakṣitā muhuḥ

na khalu gopīkā-nandano bhavān
akhila-dehinām antarātma-dṛk
vikhanasārthito viśva-guptaye
sakha udeyivān sātvatāṁ kule

viracitābhayaṁ vṛṣṇi-dhūrya te
caraṇam īyuṣāṁ saṁsṛter bhayāt
kara-saroruhaṁ kānta kāma-daṁ
śirasi dhehi naḥ śrī-kara-graham

vraja-janārti-han vīra yoṣitāṁ
bhaja sakhe bhavat-kińkarīḥ sma no
jalaruhānanaṁ cāru darśaya

praṇata-dehināṁ pāpa-karṣaṇaṁ
tṛṇa-carānugaṁ śrī-niketanam
phaṇi-phaṇārpitaṁ te padāmbujaṁ
kṛṇu kuceṣu naḥ kṛndhi hṛc-chayam

madhurayā girā valgu-vākyayā
budha-manojshayā puṣkarekṣaṇa
vidhi-karīr imā vīra muhyatīr
adhara-sīdhunāpyāyayasva naḥ

tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanaṁ
kavibhir īḍitaṁ kalmaṣāpaham
śravaṇa-mańgalaṁ śrīmad ātataṁ
bhuvi gṛṇanti ye bhūri-dā janāḥ

prahasitaṁ priya-prema-vīkṣaṇaṁ
viharaṇaṁ ca te dhyāna-mańgalam
rahasi saṁvido yā hṛdi spṛśaḥ
kuhaka no manaḥ kṣobhayanti hi

calasi yad vrajāc cārayan paśūn
nalina-sundaraṁ nātha te padam
śila-tṛṇāńkuraiḥ sīdatīti naḥ
kalilatāṁ manaḥ kānta gacchati

dina-parikṣaye nīla-kuntalair
vanaruhānanaṁ bibhrad āvṛtam
ghana-rajasvalaṁ darśayan muhur
manasi naḥ smaraṁ vīra yacchasi

praṇata-kāma-daṁ padmajārcitaṁ
dharaṇi-maṇḍanaṁ dhyeyam āpadi
caraṇa-pańkajaṁ śantamaṁ ca te
ramaṇa naḥ staneṣv arpayādhi-han

surata-vardhanaṁ śoka-nāśanaṁ
svarita-veṇunā suṣṭhu cumbitam
itara-rāga-vismāraṇaṁ nṛṇāṁ
vitara vīra nas te 'dharāmṛtam

aṭati yad bhavān ahni kānanaṁ
truṭi yugāyate tvām apaśyatām
kuṭila-kuntalaṁ śrī-mukhaṁ ca te
jaḍa udīkṣatāṁ pakṣma-kṛd dṛśām

ativilańghya te 'nty acyutāgatāḥ
gati-vidas tavodgīta-mohitāḥ
kitava yoṣitaḥ kas tyajen niśi

rahasi saṁvidaṁ hṛc-chayodayaṁ
prahasitānanaṁ prema-vīkṣaṇam
bṛhad-uraḥ śriyo vīkṣya dhāma te
muhur ati-spṛhā muhyate manaḥ

vraja-vanaukasāṁ vyaktir ańga te
vṛjina-hantry alaṁ viśva-mańgalam
tyaja manāk ca nas tvat-spṛhātmanāṁ
sva-jana-hṛd-rujāṁ yan niṣūdanam

yat te sujāta-caraṇāmburuhaṁ staneṣu
bhītāḥ śanaiḥ priya dadhīmahi karkaśeṣu
tenāṭavīm aṭasi tad vyathate na kiṁ svit
kūrpādibhir bhramati dhīr bhavad-āyuṣāṁ naḥ

1) The gops uttered the following: "O beloved, Your birth in the land of Vraja has made it exceedingly magnificent, and therefore Indir, the goddess of fortune, always stays here." We, Your faithful followers, just keep ourselves alive for Your sake. Please present Yourself to us; we have looked everywhere for You.

2) O Lord of love, Your gaze surpasses the whorl of the best, most exquisitely shaped lotus in the fall pond in terms of beauty. O giver of blessings, You are murdering the maidservants who have freely and unreservedly committed themselves to You. Is this not murder?

3) O most powerful personality, You have repeatedly protected us from various threats, including poisoned water, the terrifying man-eater Agha, the vast rains, the wind demon, the blazing thunderbolt of Indra, the bull demon, and the son of Maya Dnava.

4) My friend, you are not the son of the gop Yaod; rather, you are the witness who dwells within the hearts of all embodied souls. You have manifested in the Stvata dynasty because Lord Brahm prayed for You to come and guard the universe.

5) O best of the Vis, those who approach Your feet out of fear for material existence are given courage by Your lotus-like hand, which is holding the goddess of fortune. Please place that lotus hand that grants wishes on top of us, sweetheart.

6) O You, who end the misery of Vraja's citizens, O Woman Hero, Your smile breaks the false pride of Your worshippers. Please accept us as Your servants and reveal Your lovely lotus face to us, my buddy.

7) All embodied spirits who submit to your lotus feet have their previous transgressions removed. The goddess of fortune's eternal home is those feet, which lag after the cows in the pastures. You lay those feet on our breasts and rip the lust from our hearts for You once placed them on the hoods of the enormous snake Kliya.


8) O lotus-eyed one, We are becoming more and more perplexed by Your pleasant voice and endearing words, which draw the thoughts of the wise. Please rejuvenate Your maidservants with the honey of Your lips, our lovely hero.

9) The life and soul of individuals who are suffering in this physical world are found in the nectar of Your words and the descriptions of Your deeds. These stories, passed down by wise men, purify one's conduct and bring good fortune to everybody who hears them. These narrations, which have a strong spiritual presence, are aired all over the world. Those who promote the gospel of Godhead are most charitable, without a doubt.

10) We find it auspicious to reflect on Your smiles, Your tender, loving glances, the private conversations and pastimes we shared with You, as they all touch our hearts. Yet, O trickster, they also greatly stir up our imaginations.

11) Dear master, sweet beloved, we are troubled by the thought that Your feet, more beautiful than a lotus, will be stung by the spiked husks of grain and the rough grass and plants when You leave the cowherd village to herd the cows.

12) At the end of the day, You continually display to us Your lotus face, which is heavily dusted with dust and covered in dark blue hair. As a result, O hero, You pique our need for lust.

13) Everyone who kneel down to your lotus feet, which are worshipped by Lord Brahm, get their desires fulfilled. They are the earth's ornament, provide the highest level of satisfaction, and are the right subject for meditation during dangerous situations. Please place those lotus feet on our breasts, beloved, slayer of tension.

14) O hero, kindly distribute to us the nectar of Your lips, which enhances conjugal pleasure and vanquishes grief. Your vibrating flute truly enjoys that honey and makes folks forget about their other attachments.

15) A fraction of a second seems like a lifetime to us when You disappear into the forest during the day because we cannot see You. And even when we are able to look longingly at Your gorgeous face, which is so wonderful with its embellishment of curly locks, our enjoyment is thwarted by our eyelids, which the ignorant creator fashioned.

16) Hello, Acyuta You understand well why we came here. Young women who come to see Him in the middle of the night, mesmerised by the booming sound of His flute, wouldn't be abandoned by anybody but a cheater like You, I suppose. We have entirely rejected our wives, children, ancestors, brothers, and other family members just to meet You.

17) As we recall the private chats we had with You, the lust in our hearts intensifies as we think of Your smiling face, Your tender gaze, and Your big chest, the resting place of the goddess of fortune. As a result, we have the strongest yearning for You.

18) O Beloved, Your supremely auspicious aspect allays the suffering of those who reside in the jungles of Vraja. Our thoughts yearn for Your company. Please give us a small amount of the medication that treats the sickness in Your followers' hearts.

19) O my devoted one! Because Your lotus feet are so delicate, we carefully rest them on our breasts out of concern that Your feet might get injured. Our only source of life is You. As a result, we constantly worry that while You wander down the forest path, Your delicate feet would get hurt by rocks.